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Healthy Living this 2024

The new year is here, Happy 2024.

When each new year starts we all choose what we want to do and get out of the year. Last year I wanted to get fitter and cover 2023km during exercising. Which I managed to do, I was chuffed. I won myself a medal by doing challenges. I would highly recommend it.

At Moos on Thames we care about all of our customers wellbeing and happiness.

Here are 4 steps to a healthy lifestyle

1 - A balanced diet

This is super important to me right now. With being diagnosed with high cholesterol due to it being inherited. I knew I needed to stop eating so many crisps (yummy) and focus on what I actually should be eating.

It is recommended that you eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This helps reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Fruit that has been canned or frozen all count toward those 5 portions. (Something that I didn't know about)

You should have some starchy food with your meals such as rice or pasta as these are a good source of energy.

Eating fish twice a week. Doing this can help reduce your risk of heart disease and fish is high in vitamin D. The best way to cook fish in a healthy way is grilling, poaching or baking.

They also recommend drinking six to eight glasses of fluid a day. At work I take a huge 2 litre drinks bottle with me. So I try and drink that during the day but 90% or the time it is still pretty full.

2 - Being Active

Being active helps with may different things in your body such as -

  • Improves your mood

  • Reducing your risk of heart attacks, diabetes and some cancers

  • Strengthens muscles to improve your balance

  • Helps with your joint mobility

Don't panic though. Some people go racing into doing too much too fast. So remember to start slowly and build up, to what you and your body are comfortable doing.

I have started the couch to 5km in the hope of trying to do a park run at the end of February. I am not running 2km in one go yet, I am running for a minute or so then walking. The app talks to me and lets me know how I am getting on.

If exercising seems a bit daunting then do not panic. You can start by simply walking while you are talking on the phone. Using the stairs instead of lifts, walking to the shop instead of driving. (if that is possible for you) Or choosing to park further away from you destination.

3 - Mental Health

Make time for yourself. Trying to give yourself some me time throughout the day can really help. I get up at least half an hour before the kids each morning. To have a cuppa in the living room to wake up before everyone is up and about.

Sometime I read my book or I turn on headspace and do a bit of meditation. It does really help put me in a more positive and happier mood before I start my day.

Finding time to see or talk to friends. By spending time with others it can help you feel more connected and less anxious. Sharing happy memories and making each other laugh can really boost your mental health.

4 - Sleep

Everyone needs a certain amount of sleep each night. As you get older your body does not sleep as long as you used to.

To get a better nights sleep try and do these things -

  • Be move active in the day

  • Go to bed at the same time

  • Avoid eating and drinking alcohol too close to going to bed.

  • Reduce those daytime naps

  • Reduce your screen time before bed.

We hope it helps and gives you some ideas of how you are going to start your new year.

Jen x

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