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About Us

The farm has been in Chris’s family for hundreds of years. 


I have always struggled to drink raw milk but I really enjoy the taste. One night we were up late chatting about what we wanted to do in the future and the dream of the milk vending machine begun. 


We wanted to share with everyone what fresh organic creamy milk actually tasted like. It also meant that I could enjoy farm fresh milk once again. Especially in a coffee, it froths up like no other milk can. 


Not like the milk you find in the supermarket. The cream rises to the top like it should. So you can sneak it into your breakfast before the family get up or give it a shake and pour. 


I hope you enjoy our products that are made with love and care of the animals and land. 


The shed brings happiness to families and people that visit. You can sit with a cup of coffee while the kids play in the sand pit. 


Or you can just enjoy a drive out to the country for a bit of peace and quiet. 


Chris works on the farm with his parents, milking the cows, feeding them and ensuring they are all healthy and well.


Jen works part time as a veterinary nurse at a local vets. She spends the rest of her time looking after the two little ones, running the vending machine, helping if needed on the farm and doing conqueror challenges. 


We have two young children who love being outside spending time with the animals, which is lovely to see. 

About Us: About
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