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Our favourite after Christmas meal


Trust me this this one for the recipe book.

After Christmas day meal there is always so much left overs. Well there is in our house. I try and cook more than we need. Mainly so we don't have to worry about food for the couple of days following Christmas. Leftovers days are the best kind of days in my eyes.

It may not be the best for the heart if you have a high chlorestorol (like me) But it is all about 80/20 right. Lets live a bit.

Ingredients -




Plain Flour


We put all the veggies and left over meat (ham and turkey are perfect) into a big roasting dish.

Then make a cheese sauce. I usually make it by eye. I make it so often for Bryn and Freyas dinner.

To make a cheese sauce add -

500ml of milk into a sauce pan, add 4 tbsp of plain flour and 50g of butter. Keep mixing to prevent any lumps until it boils.

It should thicken nicely.

Then add 100g grated cheese of choice. It can be cheddar, or a mix of what ever you have left.

Let it melt then you are good to go.

Then add the cheese sauce to the roast veggies in the roasting dish.

Ontop of this, add bread crumbs to cover it.

Then place in a warm oven at about 180C for 30/40 minutes depending on how big and full your dish is.

You want it lovely a hot in the middle.

I now make it after our roasts because we love it so much.

I would love to know what you think of it too.

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