Hi Chris from Moos on Thames here.
Well winter feels like it has definitely arrived. The river is over flowing its banks with the amount of rain we have had so the cows have had to come in at night to manage the wet conditions. They are still going out during the day to do some grazing but are coming back in to eat some silage and have a dry place to lie down. Hopefully they will be going out days for the next few weeks.
We have also brought in the youngest group of heifers as there the most vulnerable to the poor weather conditions. The in calf heifers are out grazing through some wetter paddocks that are harder to get the milking cows in and out of in wet conditions. Once they have finished those they will be going up to the paddock where I have put out hay bales ready for bale grazing.
We also had the vet out to pregnancy diagnose all the spring calving cows so we know roughly when they will calve next spring. We do this in the morning as the cows are coming out of the milking parlour, they go through the crush so the vet can scan each cow. I also got a foot trimmer to come out and trim our three Hereford bulls.

In vending machine news, we recently rescued 12 chickens from the hen’s trust so there should be more eggs in the vending machine for you to enjoy. You can now also buy our milk from Cotswold lakes brewery and the Pennycress in South Cerney. Both are using our milk in there coffees so go and check them out.
If you have any questions, please email moosonthames@gmail.com
Where's the address for the milk shed pls . I would love to try your milk